If you believe you need some help...
Jesus said, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Mat. 28:28
If you are here because you are experiencing a life problem, small or big, that for some reason is causing you emotional or spiritual discomfort, then by all means, contact us so we can begin to find a way to help relieve that discomfort; to bring your life back into balance. The only way this can be done is through Jesus Christ and His healing power. We can help you find that healing as no other secular expert is able. Our Senior Pastor will listen and find ways to help you.
If you would like a visit from a pastor you can choose Our Senior Pastor or a Visitation Pastor who will make arrangements to visit with you.
If you need prayer click here for our prayer request page where you can make a confidential request to our Prayer Team.
If you need help with moving to a different home, or just moving a piece of furniture, we can help. If you need assistance with transportation, we can help with that also. Our Disciples in Action volunteers have helped many people in many ways and would be glad to help you, no matter what you need, to find a solution to your particular situation.
Please use the form below to make a specific inquiry to our pastor or some other area such as Disciples in Action, etc. for help in your situation. If your request is of an urgent nature, make sure to include the word URGENT in the body of your message. We can't guarantee a response in less than 48 hours because we are only staffed with volunteers that are not full time. If you need an immediate response, please call the office during office hours, or the emergency contact number at other times.
Copy and paste your subject selection from this list.
The Pastor
A visitation minister
The Church Office
Youth Coordinator
Disciples in Action
Funeral Coordinator
Wedding Coordinator